My Story Songs

Listen & download your favorite song on the platform of your choice:

You may like my Original story songs. They tell a story & have solutions.

For example:

– There is a soldier song about how we must continue to insist on peace through democracy.

– A song about being Broken U.V.E. the song involving (understanding validation & empathy)

– A song about not wanting to hurt anybody.

– A song about love. The whole world is looking for a little more love!

My Story Songs

You may like my Original story songs. They tell a story & have solutions.

For example:

– There is a soldier song about how we must continue to insist on peace through democracy.

– A song about being Broken U.V.E. the song involving (understanding validation & empathy)

– A song about not wanting to hurt anybody.

– A song about love. The whole world is looking for a little more love!

Listen & download your favorite song on the platform of your choice: